Today’s Guest is Camille Eide, author of Like a Love Song, Like there’s no Tomorrow, The Memoir of Johnny Devine and Wings Like a Dove.

We talk about how self reflection helps bring life to characters and situations, how filling her time and thinking with good things help make her a better writer and her most recent novel Wings Like a Dove that released in December 2019


About Camille

Camille Eide writes about love, faith, and family. She lives in Oregon with her husband and is a mom, grammy, church office manager, bass guitarist, and a fan of muscle cars, tender romance, and Peanut M&Ms.

Camille won the 2016 Writer of Promise award from the Oregon Christian Writers.

Camille Eide, author of Like a Love Song, Like there’s no Tomorrow, The Memoir of Johnny Devine and Wings Like a Dove (see links below)

Twitter @CamilleEide

Books by Camille

Wings Like a Dove

Read a Sample

 Like a Love Song

Read a Sample

The Memoir of Johnny Devine

Read a Sample

LIke There’s No Tomorrow

Read a Sample

Discussion Questions from Wings Like a Dove

1. Do you think it’s a good idea to bring divided people together? Do you think it’s possible?

2. Why do people construct invisible walls between themselves and others? Do you think people tend to fear or dislike those who are different than themselves?

3. Have you ever caught yourself making assumptions about an entire group of people? Do you think such assumptions are helpful in building bridges?

4. Is it possible to be “blind” to what is different or “foreign” about others, and to see everyone from every people group as equally valuable?

5. Do you think that more mingling with people from different cultures and ethnicities can help dissolve prejudice? Why, or why not?

6. Is it possible to grow up with a conditioned bias without actually being bigoted or racist? Is it possible that people are conditioned to feel various types of bias?

7. In addition to racial and cultural bias, are there economic, religious, social status, education, or other types of bias?

8. Is there such a thing as unconscious bias? Do you think such bias can be eliminated?

9. How might rumors and propaganda be used as acts of violence?

10.Have you ever heard the phrase “Sundown Towns”?
For those of us prepared to begin with ourselves, what are some practical ways we might battle prejudice and bigotry in our hearts, homes, neighborhoods, and communities?


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